Can I just say how happy I am that my entrance back to blogging coincided with the last ever Sunday Social? What are the odds?! This is one of the link ups that I've missed doing most, so I'm excited to at least get in on it. And the questions are right on point too. I'm going to miss it for sure!
1. How did you come up with your blog name?
Remember the scary little pub in Tangled?
I was watching that movie one night while thinking of a name for a new Etsy shop (that failed miserably), did a quick Google search for "The Snugly Duckling" (that's right, just one g!) found nothing, and snatched up every ounce of social media I could get with the name!
2. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
The community it builds! I so badly missed the friendships of people who truly cared about this little site.
3. What is one thing you've discovered because of blogging and now can't live without?
My voice. I've learned what I like and don't like, and how to say what I'm really feeling!
4. Facebook or Twitter? And why?
I started a Facebook page for the blog, but didn't really keep up with it. I think it still exists somewhere in the vast internet void. I still use Twitter on occasion though.
5. If one celeb read your blog, who would you want it to be?
Meg Ryan from the 1990's. I've always believed she was my spirit animal.
(Or present day Mindy Kaling, because we know that's the real question being asked here. And besides, I have a whole blog series based on her "card game" which I promise to get better at. Especially on the photography side!)
6. What is something you want people to know about your blog?
That it'll never make sense. I might have 8 different blog themes in a year. Or a story about going to the dentist one day, and a fashion post the next. It's a big messy hodgepodge that's just a look into my life!