Thursday, January 30, 2014


I've somehow just started to pin lovely fashion pins, and it's kind of cracking me up because I already have pins of SO MANY different styles. I've got some pins of oversized, patterned pants:

But then I've got pins like pencil skirts and pure professionalism that make me want an office job:

And I've got too many pins with oversized sweaters and scarves:

So, if you had to choose, which one of these styles is more you? I'm personally a huge fan of the scarves and coziness, but I can't knock the others either!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Polyvore Files: Spring 2014

Did you lovely ladies see my post the other day? The one about how much I am craving the spring and some warmer temperatures? Well, I'm still definitely just wishing away for that warmth, opposed to our subzero temperatures coming tomorrow. Pantone has recently released their spring palette, which has made me even more in the mood to plan some spring outfits. I'm kinda feeling the second one for Easter Sunday. People just stare at me like I'm crazy when I tell them my favorite color is grey, which I've NEVER known how to spell properly, but at least I'm not the only one:

Spring 2014 Pantone

Spring 2014 Pantone by kara-stone featuring an alexander wang handbag

I hope you'll come link up with us and have an absolutely fantastic week!

Friday, January 24, 2014

My Mindy Project: Week 4

Hello again, I'm on week 4 of "My Mindy Project", where I'll be working my way through Mindy Kaling's 50 Questions I Ask When I Want to Talk About Myself:

My card for the week talks about how men can effortlessly get out of bed and walk out the door, which can be true, as long as they know how to dress.

And the question is:
"Think of the typical things that women do to look good for men (wearing Spanx, waxing, spending $200 on highlights four times a year). If you could inflict any single grooming ritual on a man, what would it be?"
Maybe not a grooming ritual, but I think 90% of men need a better wardrobe. Or maybe just the men in my life. I don't understand what's so hard about a button down and dark pair of boot cut jeans. Let's definitely go on some basic rules of thumb:
  • Take anything Ed Hardy, and throw it out the door.
  • Get pants that cover your butt. No one wants to see your boxers.
  • Slim fitting sweaters are hawt.
  • Anything that sparkles or has embellishments, get rid of.
  • Find clothes that fit in the shoulders, jackets included. If it doesn't fit in the shoulders, it doesn't fit.
  • There is a time and place for sports clothing.
  • Hats? Throw them away. Fedoras, baseball, anything.
That's a pretty good start. What about you? Any rules for dressing your man?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What I Wore Wednesday

Dear friends,
"I like to start my notes to you as if we're already in the middle of a conversation. I pretend that we're the oldest and dearest friends -- as opposed to what we actually are, people who don't know each other's names.." -You've Got Mail
You all know my obsession with this movie, right? I could write an entire post about this perfect movie, but today, I'll just leave you with this:

Anyways, I have a tiny surprise for you. Unless you already know, Amazon actually sells clothes. I've always known, but I never really checked it out. Well right after some Christmas money came in, I overly got really excited and bought this and this.

It's so oversized and comfy and perfect, I more than adore it. The only complaint I have, is the amount of time it took to get here! I'm kinda considering this one next, especially since they offer prime for certain colors.

You're probably on your computer thinking, "Oh, great, another sponsored post out there." But nope, this is just how much I truly love this sweater. No one paid me or offered me anything to write this.

What about you? Where's the weirdest, unexpected place you found one of your favorite items of clothing?

Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Polyvore Files

Hello all! To those of you who might be a little out of the loop after my hideous blogging break, I'd like to welcome you to The Polyvore Files link up! Joni and I run The Polyvore Files every Sunday and would love to see you. There are no rules, so feel free to post whatever set you're in the mood for that day!

If I could pick one thing that I thought my followers would be done with by now, it'd be my recent obsession with Mindy Kaling. Don't get me wrong, she's great, but I seriously (hopefully) don't stalk her life as much as I make it seem. That being said, this post is only a little inspired, of course, by Mindy Kaling. On last week's episode of The Mindy Project, she was absolutely adorable in her workout clothes, and even though Danny constantly made fun of her, she totally rocked it.
And as I'm always inspired (but never enough to actually do anything) to workout, I thought it'd be nice to put together some outfits that might push me towards it a little more.

work out

I hope you'll come link up for The Polyvore Files. I love seeing all the fun creative outfits you put together!

Friday, January 17, 2014

My Mindy Project: Week 3

Hello again, we are well on our way to week 3 of My Mindy Project, where I'll be working my way through Mindy Kaling's 50 Questions I Ask When I Want to Talk About Myself:
This week's card is all about comedy and it's kind of amazing, and of course I lost it before I could post a picture. If you still haven't bought the set, I strongly encourage you to do so. Mindy is hilarious!

And my question for the week is:
"What comedies do you watch so much that all your friends groan or roll their eyes when you suggest watching it for the thirtieth time?"
I have a lot of favorite movies, comedies especially. Picking my top three is just plain hard though. Three of my favorite comedies are:

Bridesmaids (duh)

Pitch Perfect

Five Year Engagement

And now that I've hopefully added a little laughter to your friday morning, I hope you all have a safe and blessed weekend!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What I'm Wishing Wednesday

Don't get me wrong: I love Ohio, I love snow, I love having to overdress, I love fireplaces, I love warm cups of coffee. Essentially, I really do love winter.
BUT I am so wishing for the spring. Mainly because spring means warmer weather, and warmer weather means this bike will get some use:
Not that I've bought it yet or anything, but it's absolutely going to be my next big purchase. (If I can find my keys, and don't have to drop money on a locksmith.) 
I have big plans for this bike. We live about 5 minutes from the Little Miami river, and running alongside it is a 68 mile bike trail. Not that I'll ever go the full 68 miles, and I really do mean ever ever ever. But I will be about 5 miles away from this castle: 
Yep, there's a castle in Ohio. I was shocked too.

And here's just a few examples of some of the scenery Colston and I will be seeing:
So winter, you were nice while you lasted, but I sure am ready for spring!

What are you most looking forward to this spring?

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Polyvore Files

I am a horrible blogger. But I'm a little okay with it. My family and I went on a really long day trip today and had a really good time and good fellowship with new friends. I may have forgotten to queue up this post for the morning, but I'm hoping you bloggers will forgive me. ;)

I don't know what part of the country yall are in, but up here in Ohio, we had some horrible temperatures this week. We're talking like -25, -30 with windchill. It was pretty miserable. Here's some ways that I kept warm all week:

Subzero Days

(Yes, I clipped a picture of my dog to Polyvore specifically for this post #nerd #furmom.)
What about yall? Where were you this week and how did you survive the cold?

Friday, January 10, 2014

My Mindy Project: Week 2

Hello lovelies, the end of the week is just so close! I'm on my second week of My Mindy Project and I just want to emphasize how excited I am to do this. Everyone says how close they felt to Mindy after her book, and these little cards just let you get to know her better!

Here's the card I'll be focusing on this week:

On the back she talks about finding her prom dress at Cache and how that eventually led to her love of all things leopard print. A little part of me cringed as I read it. You see, the question this week is:
"Do you think leopard has developed a certain sophistication over the years, or is it still reminiscent of Carmela Soprana?"
I can already see myself putting my foot in my mouth but I have never liked leopard print. For whatever reason, this is the first thing that pops in my head when I think leopard.

I think I can largely place this blame on the face that I grew up in the 90's when Lisa Frank was the coolest thing imaginable. 
So out of fairness to Mindy (who will never see this and would probably hate me if she did), I decided to try my hardest and put together some kind of outfit with leopard print.
I think I would be able to handle it in the muted colors, I had one outfit with the bright oranges and black that was just too much of a personal eyesore.

Mindy's second question is:
"What about other animal prints? What is your stance on feathers?"
I've been okay with zebra for awhile now, never in clothing, but I've done a few crafts with it. Which makes no sense to me, maybe because I can't find a Lisa Frank version for the life of me.
As for feathers, I find them quite awkward. Don't get me wrong! I adore printed feathers when designed properly. I've even made a few myself. But something like this, I don't think I could ever do.

Come back Sunday to link up with us for The Polyvore Files!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Adventure is Out There!

I adore travel. I'm not afraid to move across country (and often.) In fact, I welcome it! I love new experiences and the terrifying feel of a new city. I hope it's not a secret, I try to show it as often as possible! As you can tell from my map below, I have been to 27 out of 50 states. I would love to expand that to all 50 throughout the years, but it's kind of a big goal to hit.
What about you my favorite followers, how many states have you been to?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Polyvore Files: Craving

I'd like to start by saying how much I LOVE Starbucks. It's not a fact that I hide very well. Most people know, and tend to make fun of me for this obsession. Especially now that I have Christmas gift cards to use, Starbucks has basically been a part of my every day life since Christmas. So it only makes sense that's what I would be posting about today, right?


Make sure you link up with Joni and I for The Polyvore Files! We'd love to have you!

Friday, January 3, 2014

My Mindy Project: Week 1!

Happy almost weekend!
If you haven't heard, I'm starting a new blogger project I've titled, My Mindy Project! Where every week this year, I will tackle a question from Mindy Kaling's, "Questions I Ask When I Want to Talk About Myself." 

This week's topic card looks like this:
and has a charming story on the back of Mindy's first apartment.

The question I'm tackling this week from the back of the card is:
"What was your first apartment like? Were your parents horrified when they came to see it?"
My first apartment was actually really nice on the inside. 4 huge bedrooms, individual leases, walk in closets, private bathrooms for all 4, and that's pretty much where the niceness ended. The office management fined for every single detail, cars got broken into on a nightly basis, parties would be going on outside almost every weekend night, and they had the tiniest parking spaces you've ever seen. Needless to say, it was pretty rough. I tried to shelter my parents from that aspect of the apartment and focused on the inside and my awesome roommates, when we could keep them.

And then, a second question:
"If your apartment had relatively cheap rent, a pretty nice backyard, and you felt safe 85 percent of the time (even if there were a few drug busts next door), would you renew your lease?"
All in all though, I did feel pretty safe there. We lived on the third floor (a work out in itself), my car had never been broken into, and I never had klepto roommates. I renewed the lease before deciding to move to Louisiana, and ended up breaking it after. 

Tell me in the comments what your first apartment was like!